Wednesday, 5 September 2012


by: Dr. Ghulam Mohyuddin

      To sum up, it can be stated that radionics gives you the possibility of setting up an extensive analysis on the basis of a patient specimen. In this context, you can take account of the organ status, toxin loading, vitamin and minerals budget, bacteria and viral presence, fungal infections etc. You can test the appropriate homoeopathic remedy and potency without the use of test sets, and assess the correct Bach flower or other flower essences. Furthermore, you have the complete range of colour and precious stone therapy available to you. For this purpose we have numerous rates available (6500 rates for organs and symptoms, 30 rates for vitamins, 320 rates for colour, 2600 rates for homoeopathic remedies, and flower essences etc).
The Copen radionic instruments also give you the facility not only of investigating at physical level but also operating at astral and mental levels etc. Depending on the instrument, you have access to 6 or 12 levels of existence.
With the Electronic Vibro Potentiser (EVP) you can, by radionic means, imprint the specific informational content of any given subject substances in virtually arbitrary potency on carrier substances such as globules (lactose balls), alcohol etc.
Naturally, Copen radionic instruments also give you the facility for radionic balancing (braodcasting).

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